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Language and Language Development

"Language and culture are the frameworks thorugh which humans experience, communicate, and understand reality." 
-Lev Vygotsky

Course Description: Research-based conceptual understanding of language systems, structures, forms, functions, and variations of both aural and written language forms. Language functions and variations, discourse and pragmatics can be applied directly to assessment and instruction of English learners and the specific linguistic, socio-linguistic and communicative competence challenges of English learners are addressed. Materials, and methods for understanding and analyzing socio-cultural, and political factors that affect second language development are presented.


Course Objectives and Expected Outcomes

Candidates will demonstrate the ability to:


• Demonstrate knowledge of pedagogical factors affecting first and second language development—learning vs. acquisition, input/output, and communicative competence.
• Demonstrate an awareness of essential linguistic theory: language systems, structures, forms, functions, and methodology

• Apply their knowledge of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics to help
English learners develop discourse competence (e.g., ability to engage in oral and written discourse that is fluent, coherent, and cohesive). Analyze how language forms & structures af- fect English learner’s comprehension and production of aural and written forms
• Recognize the need to assess developmental levels of students and identify strategies to promote English learners’ language development and communicative competence
• Recognize potential impact of personal belief systems on expectations for student
achievement, and demonstrate positive attitudes toward language learners
• Understand affective factors in first and second language development—motivation, attitude, confidence
• Evaluate cognitive factors affecting first- and second-language development—Social language (BICS) and academic English (CALP) and be able to monitor issues related to Interlanguage
• Gain understanding of socio-cultural and political factors which affect first & second-
language development- standard languages and dialects, acculturation patterns, environment
• Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and current theories and models of
language that have implications for second language development and pedagogy

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