Culture and Inclusion
"Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It's the key to growth."
- Jesse Jackson
Course Description: Examination of culture and cultural diversity and the relationship to academic achievement, development, implementation and evaluation of culturally inclusive instruction. Topics include cultural concepts and perspectives; cultural contact; cultural diversity in California and the United States; cross-cultural interaction; the roles of culture in the classroom and the school; culturally inclusive learning environments; family and community involvement; and culturally inclusive curriculum and instruction.
Course Objectives and Expected Outcomes
In this course candidates will:
Examine notions of culture and cultural diversity and the relationship of these to the academic achievement of English language learners from diverse backgrounds
Acquire skills to develop, implement and evaluate culturally inclusive instruction
Explore issues related to cultural concepts, perspectives, cultural contact and cross-cultural interaction
Familiarize themselves with data on cultural diversity in California and the United States
Understand the role of culture in the classroom and the school
Utilize information to create culturally inclusive learning environments
Plan for family and community involvement to support English language learners and foster strong Home-School Connections.
Implement strategies for culturally inclusive curriculum and instruction.
Develop, apply and evaluate strategies and materials that create a culturally inclusive classroom environment and promote English language development and academic achievement based on the English language arts standards and the content area standards.
Create artifacts (evidence) demonstrating mastery of the thematic topics listed above through weekly writings and a summative course project/presentation