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Culture and Inclusion

"Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It's the key to growth."
- Jesse Jackson

Course Description:  Examination of culture and cultural diversity and the relationship to academic achievement, development, implementation and evaluation of culturally inclusive instruction. Topics include cultural concepts and perspectives; cultural contact; cultural diversity in California and the United States; cross-cultural interaction; the roles of culture in the classroom and the school; culturally inclusive learning environments; family and community involvement; and culturally inclusive curriculum and instruction. 


Course Objectives and Expected Outcomes

 In this course candidates will:


  • Examine notions of culture and cultural diversity and the relationship of these to the academic achievement of English language learners from diverse backgrounds

  • Acquire skills to develop, implement and evaluate culturally inclusive instruction

  • Explore issues related to cultural concepts, perspectives, cultural contact and cross-cultural interaction

  • Familiarize themselves with data on cultural diversity in California and the United States

  • Understand the role of culture in the classroom and the school

  • Utilize information to create culturally inclusive learning environments

  • Plan for family and community involvement to support English language learners and foster strong Home-School Connections.

  • Implement strategies for culturally inclusive curriculum and instruction. 

  • Develop, apply and evaluate strategies and materials that create a culturally inclusive classroom environment and promote English language development and academic achievement based on the English language arts standards and the content area standards.

  • Create artifacts (evidence) demonstrating mastery of the thematic topics listed above through weekly writings and a summative course project/presentation

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